Professional Development

Present at the 2024 NGAUS Conference!

CGOx is a TED style platform for Company Grade Officers to provide short and meaningful presentations on a variety of topics of interest that have relevance to the National Guard.

CGOx is an initiative of the CGOC OPD Subcommittee. Our mission is to feature dynamic and innovative ideas from Company Grade Officers to take the stage to share your knowledge and insights with senior leaders and fellow officers from across the 54 states and territories and then elevate those ideas to Senior Leaders on a National Level.  We are seeking engaging presentations that will inspire, educate, and spark meaningful conversations among our audience and throughout the rest of the conference.

From the 2023 NGAUS Conference

This is the content from the first ever CGOx delivered by your fellow company grade officers!  Major thanks to the NGAUS OPD Committee for this brilliant effort and execution!

Copy of DAY 3 - CGOx Full Slide Deck.pptx

All of the slides from the CGOx 2023

Please give proper credit to your fellow CGO that presented this content.

Copy of Day 3 - MG Ondra Berry.pptx

Slides from CSEL Pieters and MG Berry

Please give proper credit to both CSEL Pieters and MG Berry for this content.